Repairs; Renews & Rejuvenates =3R Effect
DrStemex is used to help improve and renew stem cells. Our product is composed of all natural ingredients.
What is DrStemex?
DrStemex substantially enhances the quantity of stem cells present in circulation by promoting the discharge of stem cells from the bone marrow,.
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), stem cells are defined as cells that have the ability to divide and develop into different types of cells in the body. They have the unique ability to renew themselves through cell division and to differentiate into various types of specialized cells, such as muscle cells, nerve cells, or blood cells. " National Institute of Health (INS)"
In the last 20 years, progress in stem cell research has shown that stem cells are the body's inherent means of repairing itself.
- A greater amount of stem cells in circulation translates to a greater capacity for tissue restoration.
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- By liberating one's own stem cells and increasing their circulation, the body's ability to repair is improved.
- Medical conditions linked to a decrease in circulating stem cells may be prevented by daily support for stem cells, which assists in achieving and sustaining ideal health.
The Secret is ”Stem Cells”
DRSTEMEX is a consists of several components that have been recorded as aiding in the functionality of stem cells.
SUPPORTS THE HEALTH OF THE WHOLE BODY: Stem cells are essential during development, growth, and maintenance of the human body.
They are being investigated for their potential use in treating a wide range of medical conditions, including injuries, degenerative diseases, and genetic disorders.
They have the capacity to be directed towards certain cell types and utilized for the regeneration and repair of tissues that have been impacted by disease or damage in individuals.
If we compare stem cells to an orchestra conductor, they are of great importance in terms of ensuring the proper and regular functioning of the other cells in the body.
SEA BUCKTHORN BERRIES (Stemberry™) is a plant native to Tibet, Mongolia and north central China, and increases the number of stem cells and improves their function to the next level with proanthocyanidin content (colored fruit extracts). The health benefits of sea buckthorn berries have been recognized for over a thousand years in Tibetan, Mongolian and Chinese medicine, where they are used to improve blood circulation and treat a long list of health problems. It has recently been documented that an extract of sea buckthorn berries triggers the release of stem cells, increasing the number of circulating stem cells by almost 40%.